

Gill Booth is in the Interim Director of Education for the Dioceses of Durham and Newcastle, with strategic oversight of Church of England schools across both dioceses. Working alongside the Joint Education Team (JET), Gill is passionate about supporting school leaders so that all children can flourish and "live life in all its fullness."  Gill has a particular interest in inclusion and school improvement strategies that support the most vulnerable or marginalised children and young people.

Gill has been a senior leader for over 20 years with extensive experience in leading school improvement, including leading a secondary school out of special measures and acting as an external support partner or coach for primary and secondary school leaders.   She has also been a member of the Durham Board of Education for 13 years and represented schools on a number of external groups, such as School Forums and Children and Young People's Partnerships working alongside multi-agencies.

Gill Booth

Gill Booth
